​Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) is a test measuring the tendency of an athlete to experience anxiety when competing in a sport. It is used to measure competitive trait anxiety. Test scoring is based on 15 questions that ask individuals how they feel when competing in sports and games. Each item is answered on a three-point scale (often, sometimes, hardly ever) and a summary score ranging from 11 (low competitive trait anxiety) to 45 (high competitive trait anxiety) is computed for each respondent
So how do you rate on the SCA Test?
In the table below, read each statement and decide how many times do you: “Rarely”, “Sometimes” or “Often” feel this way when you are competing in your sport. For the response to each of the statement, put the score under the "Your Score" column .
How to score your your answers?
Sum the score for each of the response to all the 15 statements under the "Your Score" column.
Your total SCAT score will indicate what level of of anxiety you faced for competition. Do note that the SCAT is used as a global measure of your experience towards anxiety before a competition. For certain - combat, contact, extreme - sports that you compete in, it is possible that your anxiety levels may be higher. Next you may want to seek help and guidance how to manage your anxiety levels when you prepare for you competition or as you are about to start your event.
Less than 17 : You have low level of anxiety
17 to 24 : You have an average level of anxiety
More than 24 : You have a high level of anxiety