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(Please Read)

​NeurOptimal® is a training technology for the brain. Based upon unique Dynamical Neurofeedback™ principles, it “simply” provides information to your brain which it can use to release its points of stuckness and organize itself. When ones brain does this, one usually feels better in their lives with easier access to more optimal functioning physically and emotionally. NeurOptimal ® does not tell your brain what to do. It does not push the brain into specific states of consciousness. Instead, it offers information to the brain about its own activity, which your brain will use—or not— to adjust itself. Because of this NeurOptimal ® is very safe and remarkably free of side-effects. However, the process of integrating the information and growing and changing can be a powerful one, one that many of us are not familiar with and which can feel disorienting for some. We have prepared this document to explain this process as fully as we can, so that when you sign consent for training you are doing so knowledgeably. Please ask for clarification on any issue that is not clear.

NeurOptimal® is not a medical treatment, device or methodology. It is not used to diagnose medical disorders, nor is it used as a medical treatment for disorders. It has not been approved for any medical purpose whatsoever by the FDA, Health Canada or any other governing agency. While Zengar trainers may or may not be licensed health care practitioners, their use of NeurOptimal® is as a tool for brain training and optimization, not as a means of diagnosis or as a medical intervention.

Sessions. Most people find the sessions enjoyable--you can just relax and enjoy them. There is absolutely nothing you have to do. You can lie back or not, and have your eyes open or closed. Some may feel sensations in their body or head, like tingling or warmth, or they may feel nothing. It’s not important whether you are aware of sensations or not. It’s not related to its efficacy.

You will know within six sessions if NeurOptimal® can help you. If you see any changes at all, even if it is not yet what you are looking for or even if it is something you don’t especially want, it is always helpful because it tells us that your brain is responding to the information NeurOptimal® is providing. We cannot predict your personal response to NeurOptimal® training, nor its outcome. Each person’s journey and their results will vary. Some people experience dramatic shift and growth while others are slower in how they change. It’s possible you will perceive little or no effect.

Progress can be variable— it often doesn’t follow a straight path forward. This is normal. It can go up and down, but we do like to see a general trend in the desired direction. NeurOptimal® Professional can show you some analyses that can contribute to your understanding of your progress, but in the end it is always how you are doing in your life that is most important.

Once your central nervous system (CNS) starts to shift in response to training you may feel the effects of this physically, emotionally or in your daily life. While these effects are often what we want, there can sometimes be some unwanted effects also. These can fall into one or more of several groups depending on when they are experienced during a session, after a session, effects before the changes have “settled in” (between sessions), and the more ongoing effects of change.

Effects felt during a session or soon after are a response by your cns to the challenge of training. Although the sessions may feel relaxing, your brain is actually working very hard. NeurOptimal® is like going to a gym for the brain. Once you start training the instabilities that you have (which we all have to a greater or lesser degree) can put in an appearance, sometimes more strongly than usual. This can be anything you have ever tended to experience, or a symptom that belongs to the symptom cluster that is a problem for you, even if you haven’t experienced that one symptom before. As these symptoms can be anything that any one of us can complain about, it is difficult to make a full list, but the more common are sensations in or on the head, irritability, difficulty sleeping that night, feeling anxious, headache, discomfort in the body often associated with old injuries, sleepiness during the session, heart palpitations, children more cantankerous afterwards, feeling spacey or dizzy, ear noises changing and so on.

These effects, if they occur, are temporary and usually disappear in the hours following the session and generally stop appearing after a few sessions when the CNS becomes stronger, more flexible and more resilient. If undertaking additional efforts or experiencing new types of stress sometimes trigger physical or psychological reactions in you, the initial stages of the training might provoke these reactions. This is more important if you experience severely incapacitating symptoms of some kind, so please be aware that it is possible (although not necessarily so) that you may see a temporary increase in your symptoms as the CNS “goes into the gym” and plan accordingly (e.g. you may temporarily want to have someone drive you). If you are working with a trainer, they can work with you to adjust the length and frequency of the sessions to keep you as comfortable as possible until you reach a new level of stability. It is important to remember however, NeurOptimal® is merely providing information that your brain uses to do its own organizing, so even if you jump in and do the most difficult sessions from the start (Regular and Extended sessions), which many do, it is a question of comfort, not safety.

Effects felt between sessions and before the full change has “settled in”. Very often the change people experience with NeurOptimal® is remarkably effortless and seamless. You are in “this universe” now, and “this new universe” in the next moment.

The challenge with this is to notice the changes that are happening— when you are in your “new universe” you don’t remember accurately what it was like in the old one. This process of seamless change is why it is important to decide ahead of time how you will know if you are getting the results you want. But not all change is seamless, and some people may have feelings that are less comfortable, such as feeling more open, vulnerable, raw, reactive or tearful. Sometimes it is not that they feel more of these emotions, but instead are becoming more aware of their feelings. Another effect is that some of the people in your environment can be challenged by the changes in you, as you become clearer around your needs. These challenges are all similar to how people can feel in response to good psychotherapy or other healing modality. There can be bodily shifts too.

As your brain becomes more finely tuned, the negative effects of some of our bad habits become harder to ignore, like drinking too much or not getting enough sleep. Your tolerance for alcohol will reduce, so the same amount of alcohol will feel like more, so please adjust accordingly. If you are on medication for a disorder, there may come a time when you need less medication.

This can show by seeing side effects from that medication, or more surprisingly, by a sudden reappearance of the symptoms for which you are taking the medication. Of course, all medication decisions will be handled by your physician, so please let him or her know about your NeurOptimal® training and any medication effects you are having. Please make sure you follow your physician’s advice and treatment on-goingly for your medical issues. NeurOptimal® in no way replaces medical care, and indeed, NeurOptimal® trainers will often require that you are under such care before they work with you.

On-going change. Your tastes can change— things that have been appealing to you in the past may not seem so any more. While this is usually in line with your well-being, if you earn your living by one of your senses, please be aware these senses may change and it may take you time to adapt to the new sensations. So wine may not taste the same, for example. If you are an energy healer, as you shift you may feel a bit “out of water” for a while as you reach for the familiar and find it is not there in the same way as it was before. It could also be that if you had a particular talent that was based on “being parked” (or stuck) in a particular state. You may find this “talent” dropping away initially as the cns releases its points of stuckness. You will have access to these states, but you will need to develop the skill to “go there” and “come back”.

How long do the effects last? As your changes become more stable, they will become your new norm and will remain with you through your lifetime. It’s like learning how to read or swim. Once you know, you can’t not know, although you may get rusty. Your brain is living tissue and can get thrown off by stress, chemicals, hormonal changes, an anesthetic, head injury or other challenge. If this happens to you, a few booster sessions will help your brain return to its good place.

Research. Although the neurofeedback field as a whole has decades of history behind it and much research now, it is still considered by many to be experimental and NeurOptimal®’s dynamical technology (dynamical is a technical term used in the field it comes from) is the newest and most innovative of all the approaches. So while there are some studies supporting NeurOptimal®’s use, the practical training experience exceeds the research by far. However, Zengar conducted an extensive survey conducted of its users after 10 years of use of NeurOptimal®. It reports on the experience of over a million hours use by its trainers worldwide, and is available for perusal by request. You are invited to explore the potential benefits to you of undertaking this training, but if you feel it is not being helpful for you or that the downsides outweigh the upsides, please let us know of your concerns.

If you still feel it is not helpful or too uncomfortable, please cease training. Because NeurOptimal® is purely a source of information and does not direct the response of your cns, you are agreeing to not hold Zengar Institute Inc or any of its users and trainers responsible for a less than desired outcome or any outcome that could be considered negative.

Driving. Please be aware training can be very relaxing. If you are driving, please make sure you are alert enough to do so.

Please do not hesitate to raise with us any concerns you may have, at any time. Our commitment to you is to provide the best training possible, and to address your questions and concerns openly and with integrity. Beyond that, your training is a unique exploratory journey that we embark upon together.

If you wish to commence training, please sign below indicating that you have read, understood and accept the above information and terms. Your consent will remain valid without limit unless replaced by a later one. Thank you!

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________ Your Signature Date

_______________________________________________________ Your Printed Name

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